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Rabbit cage with hay holder and double opening, suitable for rabbits, guinea pigs and small rodents.
Built in solid material with painted metal structure. Colorful, to bring a touch of joy and contrast to the chromatic monotony of the usual cages.
Equipped with 2 doors one front (12x19cm) and one top (19x21cm).
Equipped with hay holder.
Dimensions: 59x36x32h cm.
€ 25,00


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GABBIA CONIGLIETTO NANO GA-02 BABY BUNNY CAGE JAULA CONEJITO NANO Gabbia conigli con portafieno e doppia apertura, adatta per conigli, porcellini d'india e piccoli roditori.
Costruita in solido materiale con struttura in metallo verniciato. Colorata, per portare un tocco di allegria e contrapporsi alla monotonia cromatica delle solite gabbie.
Dotata di 2 porte una anteriore (12x19cm) e una superiore (19x21cm).
Accessoriata di porta fieno.
Dimensioni: 59x36x32h cm.  Rabbit cage with hay holder and double opening, suitable for rabbits, guinea pigs and small rodents.
Built in solid material with painted metal structure. Colorful, to bring a touch of joy and contrast to the chromatic monotony of the usual cages.
Equipped with 2 doors one front (12x19cm) and one top (19x21cm).
Equipped with hay holder.
Dimensions: 59x36x32h cm. Jaula de conejos con portaheno y doble abertura, apta para conejos, cobayas y pequeños roedores.
Construida en material sólido con estructura de metal pintado. Coloreada, para llevar un toque de alegría y contraponerse a la monotonía cromática de las habituales jaulas.
Dotada de 2 puertas una delantera (12x19cm) y una superior (19x21cm).
Equipado con puerta de heno.
Dimensiones: 59x36x32h cm.