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This special dye for goldfinches is based on a simple and natural principle, consisting of a special mixture of cold pulverized flowers to preserve the natural coloring properties (petals, pollen, stigmas and parts of flowers naturally rich in xanthophyll). In this way it is possible to obtain an intense and well structured coloring of the plumage without creating liver problems. 

INGREDIENTS: contiene naturalmente cisluteina auroxantina luteoxantina citroxantina flavoxantina carotene licopene mutaxantina neolicopene rubixantina violaxantina zetacarotene zeaxantina cartamina.

10drops on a 50 ml bottle until the end of the moult.
From the end of the molt 20 drops / 50 ml drink for two days a week.
Formulation suitable for large farms. It is administered in water or moisten the dough.
Contains 25% pure lutein from marigold and marigold officinalis. Increasing dosages can also be used to pigment red birds other than goldfinches.
€ 24,00


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This special dye for goldfinches is based on a simple and natural principle consisting of a special mixture of cold pulverized flowers to preserve the natural coloring properties petals pollen stigmas and parts of flowers naturally rich in xanthophyll In this way it is possible to obtain an intense and well structured coloring of the plumage without creating liver problems

contiene naturalmente cisluteina auroxantina luteoxantina citroxantina flavoxantina carotene licopene mutaxantina neolicopene rubixantina violaxantina zetacarotene zeaxantina cartamina

10 drops on a 50 ml bottle until the end of the moult.
From the end of the molt 20 drops 50 ml drink for two days a week
Formulation suitable for large farms It is administered in water or moisten the dough
Contains 25% pure lutein from marigold and marigold officinalis Increasing dosages can also be used to pigment red birds other than goldfinches
Mini zoo di rinaldi denis gatteo animals ornithology